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Minutes of Kirkheaton Youth Under 9’s Parents Meeting - held on 28/08/08

Present: Richard Calvert, Jane Cooper, Stuart Orton, Simon Plimley, Ian Stead, Gary Swift, Andre Wade, Peter Wade

Cc: Jamie Black, Martyn Clegg, Greg Harrison, Richard Lake, David Nail, Richard Thompson

Agenda Items:

1.Review of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as an accurate record.

2.Matters Arising from Team Manager’s Meeting 21/08/08

The meeting was mainly to distribute the new handbooks and fixtures, and to assess equipment needs. SP flagged the need for some size 4 balls, but said he would check with D.Longley to see if he still had some.
It was also suggested that we could get the Under 11’s kit handed down to us, but not until they had a new kit.
Another issue discussed was the need to rope off the pitch from spectators. The Under 10’s meeting decided to wait for a further directive from the club before taking action.

3.Update on Signed-On Players.

SP reported that 11 players had signed on, with 3 more likely to sign in the next week or so. In addition there are another couple of new players who are considering signing-on.

4.Fixtures 2008/9

SP handed out copies of all the fixtures up to the beginning of November, though he noted that some of the away timings were still provisional. He said he would send an electronic copy to everyone with the minutes of the meeting.

5.Pre-Season Friendlies

SP said that 2 friendlies have been organised for the 6th and 13th of September for both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams. GS said that the 6th is likely to clash with a cricket final that a number of players will be taking part in. SP said he would contact David Nail as soon as he returned from holiday to confirm.

6.Training Feedback and Future Plans

SP explained how he been structuring the training and said that in future weeks we would be working on running with the ball and shooting, before starting to work on defending. He said that set pieces would become part of the game sessions. AW said that we need to become better focussed during the first 5 minutes of matches and SP said that AW could help by warming the team up immediately prior to each game.
Whilst appreciating that some people are dashing home from work on a Monday night, SP also asked that everyone could turn up at 18.00 so that the session could start on time. This will become even more important in the coming weeks as the dark night close in.

7.Playing Kit

It was noted that a couple of our players had grown beyond the existing kit. After much discussion it was decided that we would make do with the existing kit until a decision had been made about the ‘hand-down’ kit from the Under 11’s. The one exception was that we may need to find a larger goalkeeping jersey and SP agreed to take this up with R.Lake.


SP said that at the Team Manager’s meeting it was suggested that the raffle is shared between the two teams who kick-off on Saturday mornings together. (usually Under 10’s and Under 8’s.) SP felt that this would be more difficult to co-ordinate and could lead to disputes over responsibilities and money acquired. Therefore it was agreed by all present that the Under 10’s raffle should be done on a rota basis for our team and opponents only. JC agreed to produce a rota and circulate to all.

9.Social Events

Social events were discussed, and it was suggested that our Social Secretary (R.Lake) could look into organising a Xmas dinner for the parents.
SP also noted that Butlin’s Skegness organise football tournaments at the end of each season and this is advertised on the League website. SO agreed to find out more details.

10. Indoor Training – Soccer City

SP agreed to talk to D.Longley to see whether he could help book Soccer City for the winter at a comparable rate to last year.

11. Communication by email

SP asked for feedback on the use of email as the major communication tool. All responses were positive.
SP said that now the fixtures were out it would help if everyone used email to confirm their availability. Of course phone could be used for last minute changes from either side.

12. AOB

SP said that he is working on a website specifically for the Under 10’s. One issue was the need for written consent from parents before publishing photographs of the children. SP agreed to bring an approval form to the next meeting for those who were happy to sign it.

JC said that the Huddersfield Examiner would publish match reports if we submitted them. All present felt that this was a good idea, and in his absence, suggested R.Thompson would be ideal for this role. SP agreed to discuss it with him.

The next Team Manager’s Meeting has been provisionally scheduled for 9th October. If this is confirmed, the next meeting of the Under 10’s parents will be Thursday 16th October.
There was no other business and the meeting closed at 21.22.
Simon Plimley